Brad Rees

RAPIDS cuGraph – Accelerating all your Graph needs

A Talk by Brad Rees (Manager, AI Infrastructrue Manager, NVIDIA)

About this Talk

The relationships between data sets matter. Discovering, analyzing, and learning those relationships is a central part to expanding our understand, and is a critical step to being able to predict and act upon the data. Unfortunately, these are not always simple or quick tasks.

To help the analyst we introduce RAPIDS, a collection of open-source libraries, incubated by NVIDIA and focused on accelerating the complete end-to-end data science ecosystem. Graph analytics is a critical piece of the data science ecosystem for processing linked data, and RAPIDS is pleased to offer cuGraph as our accelerated graph library.

Simply accelerating algorithms only addressed a portion of the problem. To address the full problem space, RAPIDS cuGraph strives to be feature-rich, easy to use, and intuitive. Rather than limiting the solution to a single graph technology, cuGraph supports Property Graphs, Knowledge Graphs, Hyper-Graphs, Bipartite graphs, and the basic directed and undirected graph.

A Python API allows the data to be manipulated as a DataFrame, similar and compatible with Pandas, with inputs and outputs being shared across the full RAPIDS suite, for example with the RAPIDS machine learning package, cuML.

This talk will present an overview of RAPIDS and cuGraph. Discuss and show examples of how to manipulate and analyze bipartite and property graph, plus show how data can be shared with machine learning algorithms. The talk will include some performance and scalability metrics. Then conclude with a preview of upcoming features, like graph query language support, and the general RAPIDS roadmap.

04 October 2019, 12:00 AM

12:00 AM - 01:00 AM

About The Speakers

Brad Rees

Brad Rees

Manager, AI Infrastructrue Manager, NVIDIA

Brad Rees is a Manager in the AI Infrastructure group at NVIDIA and lead of the RAPIDS cuGraph team. Brad has been designing, implementing, and supporting a variety of advanced software and hardware systems for over 30 years.